Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Oscar the Grouch

Oscar the Grouch is a Muppet on the t.v. show Sesame Street. He was originally yellow and then he was orange, but now he is the color green. He is best known for living in a trash can and being grouch and mean. His favorite foods are trash of course, sardines, and spinach sundae's. His favorite drink i pickle juice. Oscar's favorite pet is Slimy the Worm. Grungetta Grouch is his best friend. His favorite vacation is two weeks in Mudville City Dump, he prefers cold and nasty weather with gray sky's with occasional rain and sleet. Oscar the Grouches favorite saying is "Have a yucky day." There was a also a controversy with Oscar the Grouch, saying that he caused many people to feel depressed. Even though that can not be true in any sort of way.

1 comment:

Fred said...

Abigail, You don't have any citations for any of your sources and you need five of them.